Diablo 4 Characters Are Gone

Diablo 4 Characters

Diablo 4 is the latest installment in the popular Diablo franchise. It is an action role-playing game set in a dark fantasy world, and it features five playable characters. Each character has a unique set of abilities and playstyle, allowing players to customize their experience and create a character that fits their playstyle. However, the game also brings with it some major changes to the franchise, including the removal of four iconic characters.

Deckard Cain

Deckard Cain was a beloved character in the Diablo franchise. He was a wise and knowledgeable character who served as a mentor to the player. He was the last of the Horadrim, a group of scholars who studied the dark arts and monsters. He was also the keeper of the Horadric Cube, an ancient artifact that could be used to craft powerful weapons and items. Unfortunately, Deckard Cain has been removed from Diablo 4, leaving a void in the franchise.


Tyrael was an angelic being who served as a protector of humanity. He was a powerful character who could unleash devastating attacks on his enemies. He also served as a mentor to the player, guiding them through their journey. Unfortunately, Tyrael has been removed from Diablo 4. This is a major change for the franchise, as Tyrael was an iconic character who was beloved by fans.

The Witch Doctor

The Witch Doctor was a powerful shaman who could summon powerful minions to aid him in battle. He was a mysterious character who could use dark magic to manipulate the environment and summon powerful monsters. Unfortunately, the Witch Doctor has been removed from Diablo 4. This is a major change, as the Witch Doctor was an iconic character who was beloved by fans.

The Necromancer

The Necromancer was a powerful spellcaster who could raise the dead and create powerful undead minions. He was a mysterious character who could use dark magic to manipulate the environment and summon powerful monsters. Unfortunately, the Necromancer has been removed from Diablo 4. This is a major change, as the Necromancer was an iconic character who was beloved by fans.

The removal of these four iconic characters from Diablo 4 is a major change for the franchise. While some fans may be disappointed by the change, it is important to remember that Diablo 4 is a new game with new characters and a new story. The removal of these characters allows the developers to create new characters and stories that can help shape the future of the franchise. It is an exciting time for the Diablo franchise, and fans will be looking forward to seeing what comes next.

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